Friday, March 12, 2010


For awhile now, I have been trying to think of a way to TRY to make others understand/see why adoption is what we sought to do and what we plan to do again, God willing. I have always said that most people do not understand and cannot honestly give an opinion on something unless they have experienced it themselves. A family, who has become very dear to us, is waiting desperately to travel to meet their son in China. They saw his beautiful little face one whole year ago. To say that the process has been agonizing would be an understatement. They are ready to meet him, hold him and, most importantly, LOVE him. They received an update on him and please read what she posted on their blog, the last sentence being very well said.....THIS is why we do what we do.

"I have to admit it was a little weird/odd/sad-I guess I don't know what to call how I feel- to get my child's measurements, to see that he has grown since the last update and to not have been a part of that growth. My children are always measured at the pediatrician's office with me standing right next to them and writing it all down and then later transferring it to their baby books. I also don't know anything else about him except the standard form they fill out to describe the child's abilities and habits. I find it sad that a little boy has gone 4 years without a family to describe in depth his whole being, his little soul, his heart. It hurts my heart. Please, if you have ever felt your heart tug, nudge, inquire, wonder about adoption, PLEASE look into it. There are so many orphans with no one to watch them grow or care if they even grow. Adoption is an incredible gift to your soul and I can't imagine my life without the experience."

On this same note, we have friends who we met while going through the process for MK. I am a true believer in things happen for a reason. We met this couple while waiting in line to be fingerprinted, exchanged phone numbers and have kept in touch ever since. We were in a large city, hundreds of people in line, and in all that we met this one couple. That was two years ago. Last Friday they made the "switch." They were with one agency waiting for a healthy baby girl and they switched to a different agency and entered the waiting child program. They found their beautiful baby girl who is just like MK, cleft lip and palate. That little baby girl now has a family....a mom, a dad, and three big brothers! I spoke with our friend yesterday who was so sad. She is getting not so encouraging feedback from those close to her. I shared with her our experience. I shared with her how we desperately wanted everyone to relish in our excitement and there were those times that they did not. I did know in my heart all would be just fine and it is. But I do say to you, those who do read, as we venture into our future ahead, be it with adoption, please encourage us and encourage those around you who may be considering adoption. Adoption is a gift, an opportunity, a chance to give a child life.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Yes, it can be VERY discouraging when you get "those comments" from the people you love. Just remember though, we only have one person we have to be accountable to. He knows why we adopt, and we are only responsible to what He feels about our decisions to adopt! Everyone else, well they will just have to get over it ;)