Yesterday while riding in the car, Mason-Kate told me she wanted her water. I asked her to ask me for it nicely. She said, "May I please have my water?" and I gave it to her. She said, "Xie Xie!" which means "Thank You" in Chinese. I do not know the Chinese word for "You're welcome" so I told her, "De Nada" which is "You're welcome" in Spanish. She laughed at me and said, "Hey, that is what Dora Dora says on tv!" Tri-Lingual?
One of her latest games is the game of "Baby." She always has a baby. If she is with me, I am the baby. If she is at school, she has a boy in her class who is the baby. If she is at co-op, there is a little girl who is her baby. And she always has a baby doll (or two) in tow along with a bag of "loot" that includes juice and milk bottles. Of course, she loves being the mommy.
I love to hear her say, "You made my feelings." Translation, "You hurt my feelings." It is usually said after she is told that she is not allowed to do something.
She is now in a booster seat in the car....we finally made the weight and height cutoff! YAY. The best part is that she can buckle up all by herself because, as she tells me often, she is a "girl girl!" Translation, "a big girl!"