Friday, June 22, 2012

Vacation quickly came to an end Monday morning.  We were up and out early for swim practice.  Our little MK became the Breast Stroke powerhouse thanks to her cousin Emma's coaching at the beach:)  MK was so excited to be asked to swim the breast stroke event in Tuesday night's meet.  In typical MK style, she rocked!  So proud of our fish!
 Following an hour of swim practice each day, MK then got primped up for ballet camp with two of her besties - Ella and Jaida.  
 These three have shared a lot of laughter and smiles during the last five days.....they are quite a hoot.
 On Friday, the parents were asked to join camp for an end of the week recital of sorts.  
 They showed off all of their new found ballet skills....
 and even threw in a bit of I'm A Little Teapot....
 and last, a picture with Princess Belle.....beautiful!
 Meanwhile, the boys dutifully cheered their sister on and tolerated yet another ballet party.  They too have been nothing but busy this week.....sleepovers, birthday parties, afternoon ice cream socials, SCHool???, swim practice, bible studies, swim meets, basketball games,  and movie viewings.....phew.....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

 Not too long ago, this little one acted as if she had never been read to.  Who knows if she had ever even seen a book.  One year later, not only does she enjoy us reading to her, she is now "reading" books to us!
Her current favorites are Panda Bear, Panda Bear....and No, David, No!  Nothing is more precious than to hear this little one use her voice!

And just so little sister doesn't get too far ahead, in typical MK style, she walked in not long ago, chose a Biscuit book and read the entire thing all by herself....I felt sure she would struggle or need help but, no way, she just read and read....I even had her read another one thinking she had memorized the book but she read the second one without a blip as well.....makes me wonder what else this little girl is going to surprise us with;)  

Monday, June 18, 2012

C, the skim board pro
 At the age of 12, life is a beach.....skim board, boogie board, body surf, REPEAT....
 Our easy going P
At the age of 10, the beach to him is boogie boarding, skim boarding, minnow catching, dam construction, hole digging and body surfing
 Our family - my dream come true
 Garden City 2012
 For MK, the beach is her world - she is the first one to ask to go and the last one who wants to leave
 Our beautiful dancer, our determined soul
 Oh, Miss Mad - our sweet, loving, "I can get away with just about anything" girl
 She is all about the snacks, the towels to bundle up in, she might pick up a shovel or two but mostly, at the age of 2, the beach for her is all about hanging out