Happy 5 1/2 Maddox Ren!
To add a little flavor to our lives, we chose to celebrate Maddox's half-birthday and Mason-Kate's 8th birthday together this year at a local gymnastics arena. It was perfect for all involved!
Maddox and all of her sweet friends enjoyed their day jumping, twirling, swinging, flipping....it was truly a fun-filled day! Maddox was thrilled to have her bests with her to celebrate her life!
It was cute, too, to hear her friends say, "Maddox is 5 1/2! Not 5 and not 6, 5 1/2!" They got it!
Our little Maddox has had a great "1/2" year of being 5 and has accomplished lots of fun things.....reading, writing, adding, counting to 100, recognizing her numbers to 20, ballet, swimming, riding her bike....and the list goes on!
I often say that everyone should have a Maddox in their lives! She is her own, unique kiddo and we love her to pieces!