January means celebrating some of my favorite people! My dad is one....my dad has always been one of my most favorite people. When he walked into the room when I was little, my eyes lit up. I am a tried and true daddy's girl and love this man to pieces! So thankful he is mine!
20 years of wedded bliss!
They say time flies and it has flown....I remember the night we married like it was yesterday. I was so excited to be married and beginning a life with this guy! He was and still is my perfect Ry!
This January we celebrated Maryn learning how to do her sister's hair....she is quite good at it!
And Ryan celebrated being as old as I am! He says he will never be as old as me....
January meant MK turning 11! And she is prepping for point! This girl is a hot shot in dance shoes! So proud of her and the sweet dancer she is!
Our littlest princess...
you just never know with her what you will get....
there is a part of her that can be quite still so long as it involves a show....
but more often than not, she is figuring out how to get into everything that my other five children would have never dreamed of! She is that busy!
These two, though. They have become the best of friends....they adore each other and Maryn is thriving in being the big sister. She loves that Chapman will listen to what she tells her to do!
I found these tops in Target and fell in love! I had to get each of the girls one....they are all SO loved!
She's just really that cute....especially in her little braids! Her hair has grown so much!
February 1 was the Spring launch for Matilda Jane Clothing. I had a little help entering the orders on that day!
Yet again, I find her in places that maybe she just shouldn't be in!
She does help feed the dog so we can't complain too much! She loves Finley and always makes sure he has plenty of food.
Our little C started ballet. She loves being a ballerina like her big sisters!
She asks everyday if she can go to her "ba-yay" and she has the cutest little twirls a three year old could ever have!