I'll never forget one spring morning in March, the day I went to China. It was the most exciting day in my entire life! We spent two hours on the road telling jokes and listening to music. We ate donuts for breakfast, then we finally made it to the airport in Atlanta, Georgia. Once I got inside, my mouth dropped open. I had never realized how busy an airport is! We put our suitcases on a conveyer belt, then we went through security. Thank goodness we were all good! After that, we got on the airplane. It was pretty loud! I was sitting right next to the engine. The flight was 1 hour long, but we finally landed in Detroit, Michigan. We went through security again, and then we got on a 747-400.
Once we got on, it was take-off, then PARTY. It was a 12-hour flight, but it was still fun. I borrowed a laptop from my cousin, so my brother and I watched movies. When my brother fell asleep, I turned the movie off and turned my Nintendo DS on. I played it until it was time for breakfast. After breakfast, we landed in Tokyo, Japan. We went through security again, and then we got on an A-320.
When we got on the A-320, I looked at the seat. TVs! It was a 3-hour flight, but my brother and I had Alvin and the Chipmunks to watch on the way. When we landed in Beijing, China, I was a little sad. I had so much fun on the planes!