Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Little Catch Up

MK will be a Fairy Sprite in the upcoming ballet the Roar of Love.
She is soooo excited!  The Fairy Sprites get to do ballet and scream and do cartwheels all in one scene!
 Maddox and her "sister friend" Brooklyn....these two are the best of buddies and we just love watching them grow together!
 The deer continue to visit our backyard.  We love watching to see just how far into the yard they will come before getting spooked and taking off back into the woods.  
 Miss Maddox got a hair cut!  Short hair suits her mighty personality and we love her new look!
 However, I about died as I watched her getting the hair lobbed off!  That's a lot of hair!!!
 The Kenney Family joined us for dinner recently.....the Kenneys were some of our very first friends and we love their friendship!  
 Speaking of the Kenneys.....during dinner, this picture appeared!  Pryce and Jules, so very sweet!  I remember Pryce used to tell Julia all the time how nice her hair looked!
 The weather here has been nice for a few days!  So nice that Colin decided schooling on the porch was the way to go!
 Miss Maryn embraced the weather as well....
 she was a kicking machine and had so much fun playing ball with us.
 This baby girl is precious!  Most who meet her just want to squeeze her!  The cuteness is too much!
 And she is a sweet one too!  Of course I always ask her who loves her and she will say, "Mommy!" in the sweetest voice ever!
 Maddox is never at a loss for finding something to wear.....she loves to dress-up!  
 It's that time of year again!  Bruster's Pajama Day!
 We all headed out in our pjs and indulged in a free waffle cone filled with some ice cream goodness!  Yummo!