Looks as if we have another little princess in the house :) Life with Maddox is never dull and you never know what she is going to get into next. She rounded the corner the other day donning one of MK's fav crowns. Though it was a bit crooked, she wore it as if she has worn a crown all the days of her life. Precious.
We have been home for two months now. Maddox has attached beautifully. She knows what she wants and how to get it :) She is what I like to call my "hip baby" - always attached to me when she is not into mischief. She continues to understand more and more of what we say to her. She blows kisses, shakes her head yes/no, points a lot, knows her facial features as well as her belly, she loves the pool, she loves to go outside, she loves to swing, she imitates sounds, and she loves a good dose of TV - Barney and Baby Babble!
It would not be fair to say that ALL is perfect. Well, really it is as close to perfect as possible BUT there are some imperfections in Maddox's little world. She communicates her dislikes through hitting. And if you are MK, you get hit a lot. Sigh. Poor MK, she wants so badly to be the boss and the biggest, bestest sister ever yet her little sister seems to have her own ideas. It is cute though to see them when all things are good - they cook together, they play house together, they shop together, they sit together, they dance together - and where Maddox would not dare allow MK to kiss her a month ago, she welcomes those kisses now. Very sweet.