Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

2000-2010, a decade. Two births, one adoption. Three pets, two fish and our beloved Finley. Five churches. Four homes in three states. Five cars, two wrecks. Losses in life, grandparents who we still miss and think about often. Positive job changes. Sacrifice. Surgeries. Paperwork. Waiting. Learning. Loving. New friends. Travels. Growing, emotionally and physically. Preschool, school and homeschool. Scuba diving. Snow Skiing. Disney. Boyscouts. TBall, baseball, basketball, flag football, soccer. Dinner Games. Change. Contentment. Laughter. Happiness. A decade. Cherished memories.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

January - 2009
December - 2009

Looks like someone has gotten a bit confident lately! MK, who really has never been one to be on the quiet side of things, is now taking it upon herself to say what is really on her mind.
Example A - during our weekly speech session, MK was praciticing her sentences. The speech therapist would prompt her with a sentence and the idea was for MK to repeat it. Instead, MK would make up her very own version. One example being the therapist wanted her to say, "I have ten toes"....MK said, "No, I don't. I have two hands!" And she just laughed and laughed. Thankfully MK chose to say, "My mommy is NOT a monkey!" when the therapist asked her to say, "My mommy IS a monkey!"
Example B - following speech, the children and I went to lunch, their choice was Applebees. We walked inside and MK shouts, "Hey, there is a Nannie!" at the hostess....poor lady could not have been as old as MK made it sound.
Example C - and lastly, this is where I really cringed, we went to the grocery store. We saw people there, as always, that we knew. We stopped to talk. While I am in mid conversation, MK loudly says, "pooh-wee, dat stinks" as she waved her little hand across her crinkled up little nose. Wonder who taught her how to say those words??? Not two little boys that I know, definitely not!
With tomorrow being the last day of 2009, I am reminded that this year has been our first entire year with MK. WOW, how far we have come!