MK and her favorite Kindergarten teacher
They are kindred spirits.
I think my favorite MK quote this year was about this little boy.....she proclaimed, "Mommy, he is a smarty AND a cutie!" And she could not be more on target!
The three amigos. We were so glad to see MK develop relationships with her peers. She is a true girl....she found her "crew" and they stuck together like glue most of the year.
And now with Kindergarten behind us, we have moved on to First Grade. MK has been delighted to spend some one-on-one time with me during the past week. She is reading like no one's business and her math skills are blowing me away! One smart cookie indeed!
On a Mary-Gentry note, we are moving right along with our paperwork and hope to have our completed homestudy in our hands by the end of June. We anticipate the rough draft to be complete this week but it must pass through several hands before the stamp of final approval is given.