Saturday, September 15, 2012

All My Own

Aren't you glad you have two of your own and two who are adopted?

Earlier in the week, I was having a conversation with a lady I have known for years.  She knows our story.  She knows our hearts for adoption.  She adores my children.  But, she seriously asked me if I was glad to have two of my own and two who are adopted.  I kindly looked at her and said, "Well, they are all my own."  She said, "Well, yeah, you know what I mean."  For the sake of just letting it rest, I shook my head.  However, the comment has been on my mind ever since.

A better way to say "own" in adoption lingo is to say "biological."  I have two biological children and two who were born through adoption.

And, yes, I am grateful to have two biological children and two adopted children.  And I feel more than blessed to say they are all mine, all my own.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Kudos to Maddox.  Poor baby girl has poor baby teeth.  Not her fault.  Not our fault.  Yesterday I took her in to have two cavities filled.  She has been through this before and she knows the routine.  I lay on the chair, she lays on top of me.  No gas.  No numbing.  No nothing.  In the past, as would be expected, she has started out with a small whimper but ended up with a very unhappy scream.  Today, however, she sat as relaxed and calm as ever.  Our dentist spoke calmly to her and smiled at her and told her how well she was doing.  And she just sat.  Twenty minutes later, we were all done!

Earlier in the week, Maddox appeared early one morning in our bathroom as I was getting ready to tackle the day.  She was clutching a book and happily said, "Mommy, I have my Bible and I all ready to go to church!"  Hmmmm.....the book?  Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  The size of a Bible? Yes.  The Bible? No!

MK's teacher has been holding conferences with parents for the past two weeks.  We have spoken and she does not feel as though we need a conference at this time.  MK is doing GREAT!  However, MK has said repeatedly, "Mom, ****'s mother came in for their compliments.  When are you going to see Mrs. D for your compliments?"  Compliments, conference, hopefully same thing, right?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

youngest and oldest

Sweet Maddox....oh my, she is growing each day and not thinking twice about it:)  At a whopping 23lbs, she is feisty, sassy, cuddly, giggly and silly.  She loves a good bandaid, hence the picture below. Just about everyday, she will parade into our bathroom and proclaim to have a boo-boo here and a boo-boo there in order to account for the bandaids that she has positioned all over her body.  Her favorite to date is the bandaid across her forehead.....everyone asks, "Maddox, what did you do to your head?  Do you have a boo-boo?"  And she just laughs and says, "I fell down and hurt my head."  Insert giggle.  She is so not telling the truth and she is so aware of this fact.  
 Maddox is LOVING school and everything associated with her time spent there.  She asks everyday when her teachers can come over to play with her at our home.  She is loving ballet too!  She and MK practice together and it is quite cute to watch!  She is loving her speech therapy sessions at MK's school ....she goes for 30 minutes, twice a week with 3 other little preschoolers....very cute.  And she continues to do speech therapy twice a week privately.  She sleeps well for the most part yet every now and then she will appear in our bed with her little blankies and pillow pet....who can say no to that?  My favorite saying lately is hearing her when she is trying to figure something out...."Ah, HAH, I know!...."  
 C....unreal to me that he is 12 1/2, officially.  We celebrated this event, of course, yet I was tempted to tell him once again to just slow down already.  He is in 7th grade studying Algebra, physics, latin....he is doing Institute for Excellence in Writing as well as swimming year round and playing middle school his spare time he is busy trying to convince his little sisters why HE feels it is important to pull for the Clemson Tigers.  Good luck!  
 In addition to his other activities, Colin is participating in a local dance/etiquette group called Social.   To say that he was less than excited about this opportunity would be an huge understatement.  Of all of the things I have encouraged him to do this year, this is the one he did NOT want to do.  Ever.  At. All.  However, I am so happy to report that he is still speaking to me and that he is having FUN!  He loved his first night at class and cannot wait to go back!  I am so proud of this kiddo and the young man he is becoming!