Sunday, December 27, 2020

December Extras

P had his football senior night recognition at AC.  These three guys pictured have grown up together starting in church as young boys.  For the past four years, they have hit the field together each fall.  What a delight it was to see them all together on this special night following a fabulous season finish of 9-2.

MK decided to try out for basketball cheer this year.  Cheering has not always been on her to-do list....she is not one for the attention that cheering tends to bring on.  We were thrilled to see her on the court with some of her favorite friends....and she shined like she owned the place.  Always beyond proud of my kiddos when they try something new!

Fun with friends cookie decorating and watching The Land of Forgotten Toys

Gingerbread Houses with friends
Our favorite little elf

These two.  Friends for life.  Their story continues and it is a joy to have a front row seat!

Maryn loves a good selfie
Some of our greatest blessings this year have come in the form of babies
Charlotte and Maryn Covid style
Can't forget the biggest girl.....this group has been coming to our home for an annual Christmas party since 4th grade.....kind of crazy how fast they have grown!

The mountain cabin saw some early snow this season.  While we were on the go here, the mountain cabin, in true mountain fashion, remained calm and still.
We received an early Christmas gift on December 17.  My sister, Kellie, had her second set of scans since her treatment began in June of this year and the scans showed that her colon tumor "is no longer there" and the lung nodules are smaller and/or gone!  This news is amazing!
Up next, radiation and chemo to zap this beast even more!
Our post-scan celebration continued....Gourmet Shop Covid style....we dined in our cars with the windows down so we could chat.  And James supervised!
Matthew and Lyra had lots of fun this Christmas season.  They created a candy cane forest, they wrote my name down as being on the "up for debate" list - meaning I wasn't necessarily on the nice or naughty list.  Hmph. 


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