Saturday, July 6, 2013

NC Mountains

 The best of both parents have a mountain cabin and Ryan's parents have a beach house.
 And each year, we spend a long weekend in the mountains, soaking up time on the ATVs, playing in the streams, tubing, strolling through the cute little town, eating at our favorite pancake house.....
 but this year was a bit different.  RAIN set in and our plans as we knew them were shot. Instead of doing the usual, we did the unusual and just relaxed.  
 Prior to the rain, our girls decided to give their seashells a bath....
 and Maddox cooked a bit with Pop's rocks and grass....her concoction was known to us as Rock Soup and she was more than proud of her invention.
 Sisters through and through....they are truly becoming the best of friends.
 And these four....our boys spent five days in the mountains with Gran and Pop prior to our arrival.  Oh how I missed them!  I have an admission to boys are 13 and 11and in all of their years, I have never put them into a car for more than a thirty minute ride with someone other than me or Ryan.  Ever.  Maybe I am a bit protective.  Maybe.
The memories.  Yes, we are fortunate to have two homes to retreat to throughout the year.  But even more so, our children have two vacation homes to build a lifetime of memories in as they grow.  I am pretty sure their days of Mexican Train and Solitaire and just everyday fun are going to sit with them forever!

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