Saturday, May 7, 2011


Though Ryan has always been a favorite with my children, he has had some work to do with Maddox. Where MK immediately took to him, Maddox immediately took to me. No complaints here as I have LOVED getting all of my hugs and kisses and pats on the back (she does this quite often) and sweet cuddling time. She is my little sweetheart! Today, though, we saw an excited Maddox when her daddy arrived home from an overnight camping trip with the boys. The boys were wanting to hug on her and dote on her yet Maddox had other ideas in mind. The minute she saw Ryan, she took off in one direction, and one direction only, and nothing was going to stop her. She made her way to Ryan and grasped hold of his legs and squeezed them as tight as her little hands could. It was absolutely precious!

1 comment:

China Dreams said...

That's so sweet. He must have been thrilled, too.
