Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Pryce!

Nine years ago today, Pryce entered our world and immediately made it a better place to live. With him, he brought peace, laughter, sweetness, kindness, a way to calm others and a good friend to all whom he meets. We love this little guy with all of our hearts and we are so blessed to be able to call him our son!
Pryce loves his siblings. He and Colin are the best of buddies. He will play and play with MK. He adores Maddox and always wants to know what he can do to help with her.
Pryce inherited his mother's "planning gene." I am, by nature, a planner. I remember as a child planning out my birthday parties months in advance. Pryce is the same way. He loves a good plan. The party plan has been in place since Christmas and he was so pleased with the outcome. On Friday, Pryce had four homeschooling friends over for a campout. What a great time they all had. They made yummy ice cream sundaes, they went Snipe Hunting, they told stories until the wee hours of the evening and they had many, many Nerf war games to attend to. It was perfect boy fun!
On Saturday afternoon, Pryce invited some neighbors, some school buddies and some Boy Scout den members over for a party in our backyard. Again, Nerf wars were fought, balloon toss was a hit and a treasure hunt ended with a great surprise to take home!
Pryce's backyard crew.
The birthday sing-along.
The homeschool crew. What a great group of friends Pryce is surrounded by!

The birthday boy! Nine years old. Wow, they really do grow up way too fast!

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