Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today was beautiful! When the girls were not taking a nap, we were outside on the trampoline or riding scooters or playing on the playset or riding bikes or doing sidewalk chalk or playing hopscotch....perfect. I was able to snap a few shots of the kiddos....minus one. Colin. Colin enjoyed a night out with a friend and came home later this afternoon stating that he will need to go to bed early tonight - I am thinking they stayed up way too late.
Pryce adoring "Madd"
Outside and happy.....
MK posing.....
My second son and my second daughter....perfect together.
Maddox loves to swing....she giggled so much!
All is well....under the watchful eye of her brother, Maddox is busy making a few calls.
She knows her name. Today I realized without a doubt that Maddox knows her name. And she knows where her nose is. And her belly. And she does not particularly care for drums being played loudly - ahem, brothers!

MK taking the lead. MK likes her role as big sister. She likes to show Maddox new things and she likes to introduce her to others. She is taking this seriously and it is oh so cute to see. I am so thankful for all FOUR of my babies!

1 comment:

China Dreams said...

Looks like a beautiful day. We had spitting snow, so that weather is still a ways off.
