Friday, June 11, 2010


Well, we are on a roller coaster ride around here....we get great news, then bad news, then great news, then bad news....and on it goes. Today Colin awoke complaining of his ear hurting. So, off to the dr. we go, pay lots of $$$ for ear drops and hopefully all will be well very soon! When we were leaving the doctor's office, the boys were commenting on how there were a lot of smart people who work in the peds office. I agreed and stated to them that they could one day be a doctor. One piped up and said, "No, I am going to be a pilot." Ok, pilot is good. The other pipes up, that would be Pryce, and states, "Well, I am going to just go win a whole lot of money on the Wheel of Fortune!" Hmmmm.....

1 comment:

Jackson's family said...

Two out of three of my children have swimmer's ear at the moment. No fun! I hope Colin feels better!