Monday, June 21, 2010

Garden City Beach - 2010

36 Year Tradition. Family. Reading. Conversations On The Porch. Ice Cream Truck. Putt Putt. Water Park. Painter's Ice Cream. Pop's Pancakes. The Pier. Sand Castles. Sand Dams. Boogie Boarding. Private Pool. Baseball. Naps. Relaxing. Friends. Boiled Peanuts. Minnow Catching. Mexican Train. Early Mornings. Fun.

And Great Hair....Gotta Love It!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

wait, is that a regular ol' t-shirt I see MK wearing?? perhaps, but out of it sticks THE CUTEST BATHING SUIT EVER! I'd expect nothing less! Looks like you guys had a blast. I do believe you get more beach trips than anyone I know. Happy Summer!