Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Story

MK talks a lot. She will tell us stories, sing songs, ask a million questions - she is a girl and I honestly think she just likes to hear her voice :) In the past few months, she has started this thing where she will tell us her story about being in China, how her mommy and daddy and her boys and her Finley (the dog who did not go to China) came to get her on the big airplane and how she "cried, cried" waiting for us. She will tell us she missed us. The thing is, most of her story, the story she tells, is based on a book we read. The story is so cute to hear her tell, yet I know that she is basically telling me a story that we read together on Chinese adoption. Of course, MK makes it that much cuter to listen to because she adds in a poked out lip here and a big hug of happiness there. It's cute. Now imagine my surprise when I went in to get MK out of her bed the other morning and she began telling me the story of her baby whose mouth hurt in China. I walked into her room to find her sitting in her crib. MK was carefully swaddling her unclothed baby doll and gently touching the doll's face. Mason-Kate looked at me and said, "Mommy, my baby crying. She in China and her mouth hurts. She go to the office." I was stunned. Even though I knew the answer, I asked MK, "What office?" and she replied, "Mom, the doctor's office. Her mouth hurt and doctor need to fix it. She sad." (Add in the poked out lip here - she can be so dramatic which is cute at times!) We never read books about cleft lips/palates, we haven't been to the doctor nor have we talked about the doctor lately, this is totally a story she came up with and was playing out with a doll. Does she remember?

1 comment:

Jackson's family said...

Jackson tells us stories about China. Some are really unrealistic but others I tend to believe. He told us his other one daddy had a job cleaning shoes. Mason-Kate is such a cute little girl. I know she is a blessing to your family.