Thursday, January 21, 2010

It is no secret to our/the general population that we would love to go to China again. Just one more time. The boys want to. MK wants to. We want to. We talk about it as a family and pray about it even more. We shall see. Anyway, tonight I was putting MK to bed and she asked me if Ryan had to work tomorrow. I told her yes. She asked, "But, why? Why he have to go to work?" I said, "Well, he has to pay the bills." (I was thinking this would end our conversation because who would think a newly turned three year old would know what the word "bill" meant!) Of course, surprise again, she said, "Oh, he have to make money?" Clever, she is. "Yes," I said, "He has to make money so we can go get baby (insert name here)." (I thought for sure this would end the conversation) MK sweetly said, "I give baby (insert name here) my money so she come here." Of course I choked up and said, "You would. You are so sweet" and I gave her a kiss. Then she went on and said, "I give baby (insert name here) my money and I buy her a swing so she swing with me, okay?" To be three when all is so simple :) And, yes, we have a name for a child we don't know now and may never know, but we have a name and that gives us hope to hold onto. We shall see.

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