Friday, September 26, 2008

Palate Update

A little over four months ago, Mason-Kate had her first palate surgery. The surgeon stated that her cleft was one of the worst cases he had ever seen, her tissue was very thin and her palate was extremely wide. One week after her surgery, she developed a fistula (hole) in the repair. We were so disappointed. Today we had an appointment with her surgeon for a follow up visit. He gave us great news! He looked in her mouth (as she screamed) and said "it looks great, the palate looks great!" I dared to ask what our future held in the surgery department. (Yikes!) The fistula is still there, but because of its location and its small size (barely there), he said that most likely they will repair that, if needed, when they do her bone graft surgery at the age of 6/7. Yippee! We are thrilled! And though I did mention that she screamed during the actual examine of her mouth, she was an angel the remainder of the visit. She played, she giggled, she interacted with the nurses, she even let them take her blood pressure without a fight....that scared little girl is no more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great news!! Kirstin