Saturday, June 28, 2014

Yuexiu Park

The Five Ram Sculpture
It is noted to be the Guangzhou's city emblem
The past two days, I have felt at home being in what I call "real China"....
While Guangzhou is great with its more western ways, it is merely a large city much like New York is loud, dirty, crowded, filled with restaurants and shops, and not really a big touristy area so there is little to do....
However, we ventured to a new sight today, Yuexiu Park, and it was full of what I have been longing to see....the people were dancing, groups of people were gathered together playing cards or chatting, groups were singing karaoke....
and then there was this guy...not sure what he was up to but we are thinking maybe it is some sort of exercise?
To think that this beautiful, green park exists in the middle of a city of 16 million people - double the size of NYC!
Yuexiu Park consists of three lakes and sits atop of a mountain....these boats looked like fun!
Speaking of fun, our guide took us over to the amusement area where the girls enjoyed riding several rides....
I am pretty sure Maddox's squeal of pure delight could be heard across the ocean!  She was in her element!
Look out Pop, this girl drove a Panda car and said, "Hey, now I know how to drive!  So when I get home, I can drive the golf cart, right?" Ha!  
Whether is was dropping from significant heights or bouncing on kangaroo rides, the girls were in heaven!
Though we were all incredibly hot, and may have bought a few fans along the way to cool us, we had a wonderful day!
And this little one....y'all she is so sweet!  She just hung out and watched as her sisters hopped from ride to ride....she let out one little peep when she needed a moment of rest from the stroller and of course I scooped her right up!
She loves to wave at everyone and points at everything! 
We came home from the park, immediately showered, went to the pool for a bit, rested and then headed out to eat at the Banana Leaf restaurant....such a fun night!  We are traveling with a very sweet family who has an almost 3 year old daughter and they are adopting a 2 year old boy - both are precious!  By the end of the night, the children were dancing a jig with the entertainers at the restaurant and we all left with full bellies and great memories!

1 comment:

amy said...

This makes my heart full!! Your inspire post I read to
my parents and cried through every word. Reading your
journey makes our hearts long for the day when we will
be with the little one God has chosen for us. So happy for you all!! Blessings and much love.