Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Four and a half months later, and Maddox doesn't recognize or respond to the Chinese language. Interestingly enough, we were visiting our neighborhood pool today and there was a Chinese lady, her mother and her sister, all of which speak Chinese. They were talking to one another right in front of Maddox and she never blinked an eye. I asked them what language they were speaking and they said, "Chinese." I pointed out Maddox to them and they immediately started ooohing and ahhhing over her and telling me how adorable she was. Then, they started speaking in Chinese to her and she just looked at me and began to whimper - it was too much and they were kind of close to her, too close in her opinion.

1 comment:

Joy said...

A couple of weeks after we were home from China we went to our local Chinese restaurant and they starting speaking to Taylor. She looked at them like,"What language are you speaking. I speak English."