Sunday, February 27, 2011

In August, a friend and her family flew to China to adopt their baby girl. For the month prior to her travel, she would call or email and say something to the effect of, "Beth, did you ever have trouble sleeping? How did you sleep before you went to China? I am so excited! I think of everything and I CAN'T sleep." I simply said I had no trouble sleeping prior to our travel to adopt MK....after all, I didn't remember having any trouble sleeping. Well, fast forward to our second adoption and, guess what, I CAN'T sleep!!!! I go to sleep fine. Then, I wake up and think about every possible thing one can imagine. I wonder what Maddox is doing with her foster family, is she even with the foster family still, will she sleep at night (this one is an important one and one that I consider for awhile!), what do we need to pack, do we have enough suitcases for our trip, can we take all carry-ons and no checked baggage, I need to call the travel agent and ask him this or that on Monday, I need to remember to buy this or that for the trip, and I have got to make this appointment and cancel that appointment....and gosh knows I HAVE to get my hair taken care of prior to departure, definitely need to remember to call on Monday to schedule! The past few days have been a beautiful combination of excitement, anticipation and joy!
Happy 19 months Maddox Ren....we will be there soon!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Who, oh who could you be talking about??!! I personally NEVER lost a minute's sleep! ;)
Well, you ARE leaving for China to add a beautiful little girl to your family... you don't want to miss a moment of this journey! I say, brew the coffee early and get to packin'! LOVE YOU!