Monday, October 4, 2010

Pre Approval

Our paperwork journey, to say the least, was a bit of one obstacle after another - partly due to our overlooking some specifics and partly due to others overlooking some specifics. Unfortunately, it seems as though our post-referral journey is going to be defined as one obstacle after another as well. We were a bit discouraged Friday to learn that our Pre Approval for little M has not yet arrived. Pre Approval is the first document that is received after you accept your referral. PA, as it is referred to in adoption land, is basically a document stating that China acknowledges your wish to adopt a specific child and they "pre approve" you to do so. Others received theirs last week. We did not and the really bad news is that we will not receive it until next week due to a Chinese holiday. Patience is being practiced in our home. Meanwhile, we are so excited about a fundraiser our friends have put together for us. The support that our family has received during this adoption has been phenomenal and it simply takes our breath away to know how much this little girl is already loved by so many!

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