Tuesday, September 28, 2010

(C's letter to M)

Dear M,
I am Colin D., your new older brother. Today is September 21st, a Tuesday. Monday morning, at 12:30AM, we got a phone call about you. It said we had a match. They gave us an online file and some pictures of you. Mom and Dad were thinking hard about you. They didn't know if you could sit up....then today we got an email. It told us you could sit up. It also told us you were crawling and you had 4-inch feet. Mom and Dad really wanted you and they told the agency this. We will travel in March and we are looking forward to seeing you. By the way, your Chinese name is *****.
Love, Colin.

1 comment:

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

HOw cute -- 4 inch feet! Congrats on your new one!!! Lucy