Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Life Behind The Fence

I had the privilege of escorting Pryce to his baseball game last night. He is so sweet. On the way there he asked if anyone else was coming to watch him. I told him no, just me, good ol mom. He asked why and I explained to him that Colin unfortunately had a game too (at the same time, at a totally different field in a totally different ballpark) and we all had to split up and go separate ways. He thought about it for awhile and then he said "I will watch out for you in those stands....but I do wish you weren't all alone.".....how sweet is that?! So, he played a great game, spent a lot of time thumbing around in the GA clay, and hit the ball to the fence! He loves baseball, loves getting dirty and loves cheering for his team.

1 comment:

Marsha Heath said...

What a handsome ball player! I have enjoyed having Jackson so much. Boys are so sweet!