Saturday, August 6, 2022

A New Year

It's July yet I am looking at pics from January and reliving those moments.  
January was the calm before the storm.  We relaxed at times, celebrated MK and Ryan, said Happy 24th anniversary to us, said our goodbyes to the boys....Colin embarked on his last semester of college while Pryce began his second semester of Freshman year.  
Maryn learned how to ice skate....she was flying around the rink in no time at all - true Maryn style. 

MK celebrated 15 and was excited to get her Driver's Permit....she has worked really hard since then on taking the online driving course and driving us around town.  

Happy Birthday to Ryan!

And a rare snowfall made for an exciting evening/morning.  The girls were thrilled and all went out to see the powder....some were dressed appropriately while others went barefooted!


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