Monday, September 6, 2021

Wild West Tour - Days One and Two

 When I was a teen, I babysat for a family with six children.  I was given the opportunity to travel with this family during some of their cross country adventures.  Our first trip we drove from South Carolina to Arizona....we camped with the mother's siblings and their families and we saw some amazing sights along the way.  Because of these experiences, I have always wanted to travel with my own family and share with them the breathtaking scenery that the US has to offer.  

Pryce graduated in May so I chatted with him on what he would like to see this summer for our family trip.  He mentioned the Grand Canyon and Arches National Park.  So I started there and planned our adventure!

We began by flying to Denver, Colorado.  We gathered our bearings there...we had a low key day taking in Red Rocks Ampitheater and the cutest little candy factory (Hammonds) followed by dinner at Cheesecake Factory.  

From Denver we traveled south to Colorado Springs.  We spent the day touring the Garden of the Gods.  We were all impressed by the sandstone formations.....the Kissing Camels and Balanced Rock being two of our favorites.

From Colorado Springs, we continued south to Mesa Verde National Park for the night.  Again, the scenery often took us away so we stopped quite a few times for some pic opportunities.

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