Saturday, January 17, 2015

Eight looks great on Mason-Kate!  She started her "birthday week" with a gymnastics birthday celebration with all of her favorite friends!
 The girls all gathered for a bit of instructions....
 and then they were off and enjoying the different stations in the gym....
 this pic is so blurry but it had to be shared since it was MK's favorite activity of the day!
 The whole time, the gym was blaring Highschool Musical music - both of our girls have memorized the songs from watching the movies numerous times:0!
 After a bit of play, it was time for a bit of cake and ice cream!
 Presents were a hit too!
 I love seeing MK's expressions as she revealed each gift!  
 And the birthday cake....MK is not a cake, cookie cake it was and she was one happy girl!
A big day was had by all! 

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