Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Adam

Christmas Adam has been dubbed the day before the day before Christmas. Christmas Adam, Christmas Eve, Christmas.
Christmas Adam began with Matthew who suggested in his own little elfish way that we bake the day away. So, we did. We began with pancakes and the works, concocted reindeer food and ended with cookies for Santa and gingerbread houses for fun!
MK was first to make her reindeer food. The more the glitter, the better for her :)

Each child decorated a cookie for Santa.....Colin, a Christmas tree; Pryce a snowman with candy cane arms and a candy corn nose; MK - her was an assortment, I know the yellow Spree was to be a star and the pretzels were to be arms, and from there it is a toss up :); Maddox ate her cookie she made for Santa - no real surprise there! So I threw in my own rendition of a sugar cookie reindeer.
The children were so precise on their decor. They worked together. The boys on one house, the girls on the other. I am most positive that MK got the raw end of this deal. Maddox could be seen eating on the job. In fact, she was caught quite a few times taking her decor, smearing it through the icing on the house and then licking the icing off! Ewww.
The boys were quite meticulous. They drew up their plan and never looked back.
With MK on the job, the girls' house had potential.
Meanwhile, on the other side - notice the cookie in Maddox's mouth!
The boys.
The girls.

All done. All happy and sugared up. Love these four guys!

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