Friday, October 28, 2011

CAUTION: This Post is Questionable

MK went to see the play Cinderella on Thursday. Due to a speech appt. for Maddox, I was unable to attend the play with her. Following the show, I picked her up and began the usual questioning of how the show was, her favorite part, and what the play was about. She was rambling off several things and then she said, "Hey, Mom, you know how you got daddy pregnant?" Luckily, I managed to keep my car on the road! Dumbfounded, I said, "Ummm, yes???" She said, "Well, that is what Prince Charming did to Cinderella!" It took me a minute, well, several minutes, to finally grasp what she was trying to tell me......Prince Charming and Cinderella got MARRIED just like we did. Of course, "pregnant" and "married" are so confusing to the average four year old, right??? (Obviously, we need to clarify these too sooner rather than later for her - after all, misinformation is how rumors get started!)

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