Saturday, August 21, 2010

What Adoption Means To Me

This is the last photo of our family before adoption....the very last. Right after this shot was taken, we loaded into a waiting van and drove 30 minutes to be united with our daughter, Mason-Kate.

We recently watched some new friends become united with their fifth child, a daughter in China. The eldest child put together several videos on their family journey thru adoption. I thoroughly enjoyed watching all of the videos and one particular topic that caught my attention was a segment where each child was asked individually what adoption meant to them. It spawned an idea in me to ask our children what adoption meant to them now....and then I will ask them again to see where their thoughts lie in years to come.
MK's response: "It means we go at China and get Baby M and I be so happy! Agh, when are we ever going to get her?!"
Pryce's response: "Adoption means to me that it's something God wants us to do and add to our family and we get to meet new people and new friends from different places."

Colin's response: "Adoption is a privilege. I am glad that some people, including our family, are fortunate enough to have that privilege."
This pic was taken just moments after we met MK. Wow, our three children have grown! :) We are so glad to be able to go on this journey once more and we are so proud of our children for who they are. Their hearts are so warm and so eager to love their new baby sister!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!! Make a girl tear up and all ;)