Monday, December 14, 2009

Conversation with MK

I literally just came down from putting Mason-Kate to bed and had to post our conversation. First, I must say that the one thing MK is most particular about is bedtime. She wants me to put her to bed and it offends her to no end on the nights that Ryan takes over the job. She loves Ryan and he is the first person she asks about in the morning yet she will have nothing to do with him at bedtime. So, tonight I was rocking her and I asked her if she was ready to get into her bed yet. She answered yes. I said, "Who loves you?" and she stated, "My mommy does." I said, "You are right!" MK asked, "And my boys? You love my boys?" and I responded, "Oh yes, I love you and your boys. God gave me you and Colin and Pryce and I love all of you!" Mason-Kate sweetly asked, "And my Jesus gave me my Daddy?"

1 comment:

Donna said...

Oh how sweet! Made me teary eyed ;)