Saturday, July 11, 2009

Top Laugh of the Week

The boys participated in a Lego camp during the past week and loved it! They attended a half day session and participated in 3, 45 minute sessions. The first session of the day was one that did not involve Legos and the other two were strictly Lego creativity classes....very cool. The classes that were offered were artsy which my boys are not so much, they are typical boys. One boy was involved in what was titled Family Tree Art....being that you had to choose between that class and a class on manners, I thought the art class would insult him less. He went, and on that first day he described that particular class as "stressful" but it grew on him. Ok, we were good with him. On to child two....child two was placed in a class called Bach To Rock. I thought it sounded good and being that he (both boys) loves music, I felt that it was an appropriate pick with a cute little name. Off he goes, he wasn't so impressed the first day with this rock class but it grew on him. On the last day we are driving to camp, everyone is pretty quiet when my Bach to Rocker perks up and states that he is nervous about attending camp. I, being concerned, asked why. His response was that the teacher told the class that they would be tested on the composers they had learned about throughout the week. I asked him to name some that he could remember for me. He states "Johann Sebastian Bahth" (prounounced Bah-th)....I stated "oh you learned about Bach?"....he says, "oh yeah we learned about him too!" Hmmmm.....

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