Thursday, January 22, 2009


This is another one of those posts that I am writing for my memory alone so I will not forget this precious moment with MK. This morning Mason-Kate awoke crying. That is very unusual especially being that it wasn't even 7:00...she is an 8:00 girl most of the time. Anyway, she wasn't awake very long when I realized all was not well in her world. She was not gleefully greeting the boys and Finley, she just laid her head on my shoulder. I could tell there wasn't a fever involved so I just shook it off to a bad dream and went about my morning with her on my hip. Minutes later she got sick. Poor baby. If you have been following us along on our journey, you know that my entire family has been stricken with its share of minor illnesses this year. This morning was no different. MK was not feeling good at all. I know this because she is normally playing early in the morning or eating or putting on her make-up while I myself get ready to tackle the day. This morning she just sat in our den chair with her head tilted slightly back clutching onto her bunny blanket. At one point I hugged her and she didn't let go so I just made myself comfortable and held her for awhile. She was not well. We drove the boys to school which is normally filled with noise of our prayer and MK saying "mommy" this or "boys" that....this morning it was silent, I thought she was asleep. This went on for the better part of the morning....she got sick one more time. Then, just as quickly as her illness set in, it left. She ate. She drank. She was all smiles and back to her giggly self. She had lunch and I opted to put her down for an early nap. Our routine at naptime and bedtime is two books, songs and night-night. She loves to read a book called Pinkalicious. It is precious and if you have a little girl, it is a must. It is about a little girl who suffers a rare case of "pinkititis" due to the fact that she ate one too many pink cupcakes while baking with her mom. Today MK gave me more reason to love the book. MK picked out the book to read, told me to lay down with her and we began to read. The book begins and the mother asks the little girl what color cupcakes they should I read this part and MK yelled "PINK!"....then she looked at me with those eyes and laughed. The book continues on as the little girl continues to ask for cupcakes, "MORE, MORE, MORE!" yelled Mason-Kate, all the while doing her sign for "more" as well. She has the book memorized and it just amazed me and brought a smile to my face. She is so cute!

1 comment:

threehandprints said...

Hey!!! I have a blog too! I'm addicted to a couple of them :) Here is mine if you ever want to take a peek :) I'm a little behind on updating. I go through spurts! Hope to see you soon!