In true Drafts fashion, we are welcoming in the new year, with a visit to the dr. MK has had a stuffy nose for awhile, not sure exactly how long, pretty normal really. Well, yesterday after her nap I thought she felt warm, fever 101. With the little medical knowledge that I have, I diagnosed her with an ear infection (although she repeatedly told me her ear did not hurt) or a sinus infection - either were a likely culprit to the fever. This morning arrives, fever still around, appointment made. About 30 minutes prior to our appt., MK was eating a peanut butter sandwich. I looked down and there are these huge welts all over her little hands. HMMMM. I got a little nervous. Then she started saying "owwww" and grabbing her legs, tights come off and wouldn't you know there are huge welts all over her legs....ouch. Off to the dr. we go, the minute he walks into our room I show him the welts, he gives her A LOT of Benadryl and examines her. Ears, fine. Nose, fine. Not sure why she has hives, give Benadryl. Chest....well, crackling in both lungs, upper and lower lobes, DOUBLE pnuemonia.....the shock on my face must have said it all because he immediately started saying "she is going to be fine, call me this weekend if she is worse, we will see her in two weeks for a recheck....she will be fine". I am still in shock. I had no idea she was so sick. She is such a good girl, though. She never cried, she said hello, she read the book to the dr (not really but she pointed out everything in the book and talked about the pictures with him), she gladly said goodbye and blew everyone kisses....she has come so far!
Sorry to hear that you are sick Mason Kate! Get well soon! The Mohrs
Beth, so sorry to hear your little one is sick. Could she be allergic to peanuts, since peanuts can cause a lot of health problems.
Hope she'll be better tomorrow.
Mary Monroe
Oh no! Get well soon, Mason-Kate! We're thinking about you.
The most common cause of pneumonias and hives in children is a viral infection, so that probably explains them both. But I agree that I'd run the peanut butter thing by your pediatrician. The timing is a little suspicious.
I apologize for the unsolicited advice. I try not to, but sometimes I can't help myself.
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