Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Today was a day that I honestly was dreading. It was a day to visit the doctor for Mason-Kate's well baby check-up. And it was to be Pryce's six year old check-up. So, I woke up this morning and put a smile on my face to tackle the dreaded day. Now, I have to say that it wasn't that bad after all! If you have read our posts weekly, you know how badly MK does not like to visit the doctor. I really went into the horror of it all a few posts back. Because of that post, I feel it is only right to say how well she did today. She smiled, she walked around, she sang, she did not scream at the sight of our doctor, she did so well....I was very proud of her. She cried only at the appropriate times....the shots and when I had to take off her clothes. She is still a healthy baby girl, her weight is excellent, her height is on the short length and her head is big....definitely a Drafts baby! Pryce went this afternoon for his appointment. He was a little hesitant at first for fear of shots. Once he heard there were no shots involved in his appointment, he was good to go. He too is a healthy boy....great weight, height and attitude. So, that is that, the dreaded doctor day wasn't so bad after all.


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Hoping to see you in early AUG! Are you all planning to attend the First Friday? I'm not even sure of this next location! If you know, send me a blog comment! Glad the dr visit went well -- Ally's first few were a little shaky too (and she didn't have to deal with surgery)! Lucy

Marni Sigmon said...

Glad the doctor visits went well for MK and Pryce and loved your pictures from your weekend in the NC mountains. Have a great weekend!